I spent all day working on the vintage vanity I picked up off someone's curb. And when it's finished, no one will want to put it out with the garbage!
Here's the before:
Yikes! But after peeling off the old varnish and giving it a good sand, it looks fabulous!
I had to take off nearly all the veneer which took off a lot of the detail and design. So to add a little flare back, I picked up a little wood design to glue on the top drawer.
Tobie likes it!
So... I've been going back and forth about what to do with the color -- stain or a nice coat of white?
Well, I'm going with white. Here's a sneak peak of the drawer. It's got a coat of primer on it now and looks great!! But I'm going to save the picture of the rest of the vanity and wait for the big reveal when it's all finished. This has been such a fun project! And, I gotta say, easier than those chairs!
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