A virtual chalkboard for my projects, doodles and fun!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Steal the deal!

We've been kicking the idea around of getting a new dining table - and when I came across one I liked... ah hem.. one I liked that was a killer deal, I had to pull the trigger!

Here's our old dining set - circa about 1990.

It's been in the Greenwalt family ever since - even making the trip from Louisiana out to Phoenix. It's been a good table, but time for something new.

Enter this sassy little table I found at Goodwill!! Yes, in between all that junk is a gorgeous dining table!

I spotted it on a Tuesday (details, details!). It was marked $79.99. I loved it but I wasn't sold at $80. But that coming Saturday was half-price Saturday and I thought, "If it's still here on Saturday I'd definitely spring $40!" But it's so pretty... would it still be there?

Yep!! I took this bad boy home for $40! It has a few nicks but is otherwise in great shape. Now all we need are some chairs!

Oh, do you like that hutch, too? Well, that was a garage sale deal for $35!!

Here's the before:

And the after:

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