A virtual chalkboard for my projects, doodles and fun!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Wood chairs reupholstered

Finally, I can sit in one of my redone chairs!!

These beauties have been ready to reupholster for a few weeks, but I've been side-tracked by the vintage vanity and, well, life.

I love the contrast of the gold fabric and dark, rich wood. Looks good with the "new" table, too.
3 of my second-hand projects: Chair, table, buffet

How's this: I've been eyeing this gorgeous gold fabric for about 2 weeks. I spotted it one Saturday, went back to show Joe the next Saturday - but it was gone! I was bummed, so I went back this Saturday to find a new fabric. As I was checking out the clearance rack... I found the gold fabric from a few weeks ago! Instead of being $13.99 a yard it was marked down to $7 a yard. Nice!

Take a look at this awesome before and after! And yes... I still have one more ugly blue chair to transform.

A big shout out to my favorite helper, my husband Joseph! He pulled out his power tools to cut the wood for the new seat, and of course, is always there for support. It's rewarding to see the completed product. The chairs look better than we imagined!

What project are you putting off finishing?

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